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Example - AutoCAD Hatch Pattern *AR-BRSTD, Standard brick elevation stretcher bond 0, 0,0, 0,2.667 90, 0,0, 2.667,4, 2.667,-2.667 Example - Revit Hatch Pattern *AR-BRSTD, Standard brick elevation stretcher bond;%TYPE=MODEL 0, 0,0, 0,2.667 90, 0,0, 2.667,4, 2.667,-2.667 This is how you can include any pattern from an AutoCAD hatch pattern file. Although, I don't use Autocad, and never have so I don't have any patterns from there. Stucco hatch pattern for autocad windows. Thanks so much Mel for that, that would have taken some time. On the second line start with a semi-colon (;) percentage symbol (%) the word TYPE (no spaces) an equal symbol (=) followed by the word MODEL.

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Since CDR files are saved in a proprietary format used by Corel software not many image editing programs support the format. You can save a CDR file by selecting File → Save. Format If you come across a CDR file on your computer it most likely is a drawing created by CorelDRAW. When you save your document in the CDR format, CorelDRAW creates the CDR file to store the contents of the documents. However, you can export the CDR file in CorelDRAW to other more popular formats such as,,,,.

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