Softdesk Civil Survey Software

Dear Sirs, I have been operating Softdesk 8 Civil/Survey accompanied by AutoCad R14 since 1998. At the time the program was installed on my existing computer which is now an older computer. This computer is still running with its operating system being Windows 98. This old computer is living on its last legs, so a local computer shop made a hard drive swap last year, to a more modern computer: Dell Dimension 4300, with the operating system being Windows XP. The swap worked great as I am able to run AutoCad just fine. At first I was getting an error prompt to re-register my AutoCad 14. The prompt gave me a phone # to call.

I called it, they helped me out and I have full function of my AutoCad R14. The problem is my Softdesk 8 Civil/Survey does not. The top command bar does not list any of the AEC functions, such as, Survey, DTM, Volumes and Earthworks. Download membuat sistem informasi akademik berbasis java dangling.

During the swap, all my current projects transferred fine. When I choose a drawing from a project it appears on the monitor, but I have no Civil/Survey options to work with, for example: I can't import points from an ASCII file, create a surface, create fault lines, or create contours. Again, this is all on the newer computer.

On the older computer I am able to use all Civil/Survey functions, but it is getting ready to blow. I own and operate a small Land Surveying firm in Anaconda, Montana. I realize I'm somewhat old school, but also, I am very comfortable with my current system. It has always suited my needs very well. As with a lot of firms, budgets are tight and I am really hoping I can continue to use my Softdesk 8 Civil/Survey on my newer computer. The technical support I recently received from Autodesk was great. Kim thought it may be a compatibility problem with the operating systems (Windows 98 to Windows XP).

Jun 27, 2014 - Installing Softdesk 8 for AutoCAD R14 on Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows. Converter tool, select the 2nd tab, pick the c: Autodesk softdesk. Autodesk Softdesk 8 Civil/Survey: Getting Started [Autodesk] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.

She gave me the link to the Discussion Forum, and thought this would be the best place to start. Any help would be greatly appreciated. AutoCad is the best and I really want to stay with this company. Thank you for your time and attention in this matter.

Sincerely, Tom J. Moodry, PLS Moodry SW Technical Surveying.

Thank you again for your reply, I'll try to fill you in on what happened: We tried the MENULOAD command and things got interesting, Softdesk 8 Civil/Survey showed only ACAD being loaded. So we (I'm working with a well qualified computer tech.,Steve, who runs his own computer shop) proceeded to load AEC.mnu.msn.mnc, CG.mnu.msn.mnc and SV.mnu.msn.mnc. Software They loaded OK, and we got the top commoand bar arranged just like before, but still the Civil/Survey program will not take off or launch. When trying to launch the bottom command line says uknown command 'SDSK'. Also what comes up on bottom line is (LOAD'C SDSK PROGRAMS aec.mnl') Steve asks is there a Softdesk launch command? Target= 'C: Program files AutoCAD R14 acad.exe' /C C: SDSK PROGRAMS /P 'softdesk 8' Start in= C: SDSK PROJ What are IC and IP any/or other control switches? We think we are close to getting full function of my Softdesk 8 Civil/Survey program.

Maybe with a few more tips we can get there. Thank you, and hope to be hearing from you soon. Again thanks for your help. You are very correct with the drawing needing to tie to a project.

I also, am well aware of this. All my drawings are tied to their specific project. Still no luck getting Civil/Survey to launch.

By launching I mean the computer engages the program and a big green world comes up on the monitor that says Softdesk 8 Civil/Survey, then proceeds scrolling through its functions to give all Civil/Survey functions. We are going to try your latest suggestions with the OPTIONS command and search Project Files paths. We are making strides, your help is much appreciated.