Radionic Software Programs

Dec 12, 2012 - This exercise should take place at the time the user is dialing the radionic rates in either the radionics software programs such as Super.
“When using radionics software it's important to remember that it's very much like using the settings on a radionics machine, therefore careful attention needs to be paid in the mental exercise while the rates are being dialed. This powerful rate-setting technique involves not only visualization, but also other sensory information such as sound, taste, touch as well as an emotional response to the final outcome. This is the missing link in setting radionic rates. It is not enough just to visualize with the sense of sight and still not enough to add other senses one must also feel emotionally as if the outcome is manifesting in the moment. The famous example of manifesting a new car needs to include not only seeing the car, but feeling what it feels like to sit in the car, the smell of the car, the sensation of the wind blowing while driving the car and most importantly the emotional feeling knowing that one actually possesses the car in the present moment.”, says Mike Devino, radionics master. The rate setting technique involves a combination of mental visualization exercise, sensory immersion, relaxed concentration, acceptance and an inner mental experience as if the manifestation is taking place in the present moment. This exercise should take place at the time the user is dialing the radionic rates in either the radionics software programs such as Super Manifestation Ultimate, manifestation Pro, or Manifestation Basic. is a radionic information source, training center and the North American distributor of genuine Karl Welz Chi Generators, radionics devices and software. For more information about Radionics Box, Welz Chi Generators or orgonite powered radionic devices visit their website at Read the full story at (c) 2012 PRWEB.COM Newswire [ ].
Most Powerful RADIONICS SOFTWARE Program on the Planet. The Original Super Manifestation Ultimate and it’s younger sibling Manifestation Pro. WELCOME TO the Super Manifestation™ Program!
This extraordinary software offers you the ultimate flexibility! In fact, its unique design allows you to emulate any manifestation software, magical, radionic, miracle, spiritual, etc., on the market. Genuine KARL WELZ Radionic Softwares by the Inventor or Orgonite and the Orgone Generator and the father or Orgone Radionics Therefore the Super Manifestation Software is exciting new technology that is specifically designed for you so that you can have the most powerful and versatile tool to achieve TOTAL SUCCESS!!!
In fact, this extraordinary and powerful technology of manifestation upon which you are about to embark was the result of a thorough understanding of ancient knowledge in the light of modern science. This ancient knowledge can now be explained as part of the new science of orgone physics, or the physics of life force: This is so, because by now we know that actions at a distance resulting in influences upon nature and human beings, or trends of destiny, are the result of the properties of life force: reversed entropy and direct transfer of full at any distance by way od structural links. In fact, this theoretical basis of action at a distance has been established by Karl Hans Welz, the inventor of the Chi Generator®. Based on this path breaking new understanding of action at a distance combined with his truly revolutionary invention, the Chi Generator®, which is a generator of life force that has never been seen on this planet before, he developed new methods and equipment that makes it easy for you to actually create any trend energy towards anything that you desire.