Winning Eleven 9 Patch Liga Indonesia Pes
Crack serial keygen free download. Daftar Patch Winning Eleven 9 terbaru Tuesday, March 12, 2013 Winning Eleven 9 5 comments Patch merupakan hal penting dalam mengupdate game Winning Eleven 9.
Here's Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 for Playstation 2, you can also play it on Computer with PSCX2. This is not patch, only Option file. You can update by your memory card (if you play with PS2) and mymc (if you play with pcsx2) Thank you very much for PES 2008 LAZIALE, This is option file by Them, I only fix some missing english club and add some Indonesian Club in other league c. - EPL Komplit, transfer and kit winter 2017 - Ligue 1 France, transfer and kit winter 2017 - La Liga, transfer and kit winter 2017 - Serie A, transfer and kit winter 2017 - Bundesliga and Eradivisi, they are mixed in Other League A. Fix transfer and kit - Liga 1 GOJEK TRAVELOKA Indonesia, fix transfer and kit - Fresh Background Lets check my video You must download both, the game and the option file.
Here's the link for PES 2008 GAME by me: And for the option file CREDIT: PES LAZIALE and LOVEROMS. - Update new transfer 2017 - New club promotion - Update kit 2017 - UERO background menu By: Majeed ( - All in one. You just need to click registry file, and you can play it.
This is the screenshots and video Option File: Full Patch (1.3 GB): Patch created by: How to install? You just need to click registry file, play it one match, after that you exit the game then copy the option file to my documents->konami>we9>save>folder1>paste here and see what happen. ENJOY THE GAME!! Hello gan, pada postingan pertama saya kali ini saya ingin memberikan update game untuk PES 6, tapi ini bukan patch loh ya. Ini cuma option file yang di dalamnya sudah termasuk jersey serta update pemain terbaru (November 2016).
Tapi jangan ngarep option file ini sesempurna patch:D Option file tujuan utamanya cuma buat update pemain terbaru aja, jadi urusan jersey dan wajah pemain urusan belakangan. Hehe Saya udah nyoba dan mainkan sendiri, dan hasilnya lumayan meski wajah pemainnya ngga terlalu mirip.
Hehe Fitur: - Update transfer pemain 2016-2017 (Negara eropa sesuai UERO 2016, negara Amerika sesuai Copa America 2016) pastinya - Update tim promosi, Midlesbrough, Hull City, RB Leipzig, dan lain-lain - Update jersey baik negara maupun klub. - Sisanya silakan temukan sendiri ya:D Penampakan: Ok langsung aja buat yang mau download via mediafire: Untuk selanjutnya saya akan membagikan option file untuk update Winning Eleven 9 terbaru.
Keep waiting guys!