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With Eurasian partners appears as an important part of it. This strategy is explained in Russian official documents in the framework of the soft power conception.

Authors cite recent official documents, adopted by Russian government, confirming the importance of soft power instruments in current Russian foreign policy and setting out practical steps. Authors suggest that Moscow has filled its soft power strategy with a conservative narrative defending traditional values.

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Current political trends demonstrate that conservatism can become a consolidating value’s platform for Eurasian partners. Integration problems of the Eurasian expert community The article deals with problems of formation of the EAEC countries of the expert community in the analysis of existing and emerging research centers ('think tanks', 'think tanks'). Analyzes the assessment methodology 'think tanks' on the example of studies conducted in recent years with the involvement of representatives of the expert community. Conclusions on the possibility of interaction between the expert community EAEC countries in the development of the Eurasian integration. The future of international law under the circumstances of the globalization of public relations through the lens of I. Lukashuk’s creative heritage The article is devoted to studying the prospects for understanding and development of international law under modern public relations conditions. Based on the study of the creative heritage of I.

Lukashuk it examines the theoretical and legal problems of the formation of the system of global governance, as well as their influence on the development of international law, including the implementation of human rights. To the question of the use of force in the current international law The number of armed conflicts around the world has been grown than it has never been in the human history during these last decades according to the military experts, in spite of that the UN Charter call on the states to set their international different peacefully. For these reasons the question about the legality of the use of force by the states in their relationships continues to be discussed. Thus, this article analyzes the legality of the use of force by the states according to the current International Law. The right of withdrawal from a consumer contract within the EAEU member states and the EU comparative legal analysis The article discusses a legal opportunity of unmotivated withdrawal from a contract concluded between a business (professional) and a consumer, which is an exception to the principle of the prohibition of unilateral withdrawal from the performance of the contract.

The research is based on comparative legal analysis of the national consumer law of the Member States of the EAEU and the consumer directives of the EU along with the draft codification of European private law, namely the DCFR. The author highlights the similarities and differences in the approaches of the considered systems of law and summarizes the problematic issues that in the lights of article 61 of the Treaty on the EAEU require harmonization of the national consumer law. Available legal responses for overcoming negative consequences caused by such defective legal facts are analyzed. Authors came to the conclusion that the prevention of the defectiveness of the legal facts is one of the most important tasks of contemporary juridical technique and practice. Further exploration of this issue appears to be promising for focus on the general theory of law giving the phenomenon, consideration that is widely distributed in branches of law and directly in legal practice.

Vzlet Programma Otchet

Reshenie Kollegii Suda Evrazijskogo jekonomicheskogo sojuza ot 07 aprelja 2016 g. Po zajavleniju OOO «Sevlad» (Respublika Belarus') o priznanii v chasti reshenija Kollegii Evrazijskoj jekonomicheskoj komissii ot 6 nojabrja 2014 goda # 197 «O klassifikacii kormovoj dobavki dlja zhivotnyh po edinoj Tovarnoj nomenklature vneshnejekonomicheskoj dejatel'nosti Tamozhennogo sojuza» ne sootvetstvujushhim mezhdunarodnym dogovoram. [Jelektronnyj resurs].