Macross Frontier Nyan Tama

Triangler (fight on stage) is a version covered by May'n and Megumi Nakajima featured on the album Macross Frontier O.S.T.2 Nyan Tra☆ as track 2.It can also be found on the album Macross Frontier VOCAL COLLECTION Nyan Tama♀ as track 11 on CD 2.

Macross Frontier Vocal Collection - Nyan Tama Album name: Macross Frontier Vocal Collection - Nyan Tama Number of Files: 36 Total Filesize: 366.87 MB Date added: Feb 25th, 2013 New! Download all songs at once: 1.

5:06 11.66 MB 1. 4:39 10.62 MB 2. 2:32 5.78 MB 2. 4:47 10.95 MB 3. 1:34 3.59 MB 3. 2:15 5.16 MB 4.

0:44 1.67 MB 4. 5:15 12.03 MB 5. 4:57 11.34 MB 5. 3:45 8.59 MB 6. 0:26 1012.12 KB 6. 5:44 13.11 MB 7. 5:01 11.50 MB 7.

5:07 11.70 MB 8. 3:48 8.69 MB 8. 4:07 9.43 MB 9. 0:21 836.12 KB 9. 4:31 10.33 MB 10. 12:25 28.41 MB 10.

3:58 9.08 MB 11. 5:04 11.59 MB 11. 2:46 6.33 MB 12. 2:13 5.07 MB 12. 4:11 9.59 MB 13.

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1:02 2.37 MB 13. 12:27 28.48 MB 14. 4:59 11.40 MB 14. 1:46 4.05 MB 15. 1:02 2.36 MB 16. 4:58 11.37 MB 17.

3:36 8.25 MB 18. 5:00 11.43 MB 19. 5:59 13.68 MB 20. 2:16 5.18 MB 21.

4:07 9.40 MB 22. 1:01 2.32 MB Total: 2h 23m 328 MB Related Albums People who listened to this album also liked: Reviews I give this album a rating of Rules: No BBCode or HTML, this gets filtered out automatically. Review length has to be at least 100 words.

Disc 1 01 Triangler 4:38 02 What 'bout my star? @Formo 4:47 03 Aimo 1:34 04 Diamond Crevasse ~ Tenbou Kouen nite 0:44 05 Welcome To My FanClub's Night! 3:45 06 Iteza Gogo Kuji Don't be late 5:44 07 What 'bout my star 5:07 08 Infinity #7 4:07 09 'Choujikuu Hanten Nyan-Nyan' CM Song (Ranka Version) 0:21 10 Seikan Hikou 3:58 11 Watashi no Kare wa Pilot 2:46 12 Neko Nikki 4:11 13 Ninjin Loves you yeah! 1:02 14 Uchuu Kyoudai Fune 1:46 15 SMS Shoutai no Uta ~ Ano Ko wa Alien 1:02 16 Aimo O.C. 4:58 17 Aimo ~ Tori no Hito 3:36 18 Ai, Oboete Imasu ka? 5:00 19 Diamond Crevasse 5:59 20 Aimo ~Koi no Uta~ 2:16 21 Infinity (without vocals) 4:07 22 Ninjin Loves you yeah!

(without vocals) 1:01 Disc length 72:29 Disc 2 01 Lion 5:06 02 Diamond Crevasse 50/50 2:32 03 Sheryl no Aimo 2:15 04 Yousei 5:15 05 Northern Cross 4:57 06 Brera to Ko Ranka no Aimo 0:26 07 Anata no Oto 5:01 08 Ao no Ether 3:48 09 Ai, Oboete Imasu ka? ~ bless the little queen 4:31 10 Nyan-Nyan Special Service Medley (Tokumori) 12:25 11 Triangler (fight on stage) 5:04 12 Haha to Ko Ranka no Aimo 2:13 13 Nyan-Nyan Special Service Medley (without vocals) 12:27 14 Anata no Oto (without vocals) 4:59 Disc length 70:59 Disc 1 01 トライアングラー 4:38 02 What 'bout my star? @Formo 4:47 03 アイモ 1:34 04 ダイアモンド クレバス〜展望公園にて 0:44 05 Welcome To My FanClub's Night! 3:45 06 射手座☆午後九時Don't be late 5:44 07 What 'bout my star? 5:07 08 インフィニティ #7 4:07 09 「超時空飯店 娘々」CMソング (Ranka Version) 0:21 10 星間飛行 3:58 11 私の彼はパイロット 2:46 12 ねこ日記 4:11 13 ニンジーン Loves you yeah!