Joga Siddha Boganatara T N Ganapati

'The Yoga of Siddha Boganathar volume 2' by Dr. Ganapathy takes us further into the little known world of the Siddhas, adepts of Yoga, who for millennia, have explored the furthest reaches of human potentiality and spiritual development. Boganathar was not only one of the greatest adepts of Yoga of all time, but also a great scientist. In our present scientific age, the study of his works is especially rewarding. For the past 500 years, our western civilization has suffered from a schism between the rational, scientific view of life, and the spiritual or religious view. This divide, created in the politically charged period of the Reformation still haunts us. So, it is instructive to see in both the life of Boganathar, recorded in volume 1, and the writings on Yoga, in volume 2, how one great man married the two views.

Ganapathy has rendered a great service to all lovers of spirituality and science in the present work. For the first time ever, the writings of Boganathar, the greatest scientist of the Siddha tradition, have been translated into English, and a useful commentary on these profound and difficult texts has been rendered. The present volume contains poems which all lovers of Kundalini Yoga and Tantra will find inspiring. Ps2 ultraman fighting evolution 3 iso 1.

'The Yoga of Siddha Boganathar volume 2' by Dr. Ganapathy takes us further into the little known world of the Siddhas, adepts of Yoga, who for millennia, have explored the furthest reaches of human potentiality and spiritual development. Boganathar was not only one of the greatest adepts of Yoga of all time, but also a great scientist.

THE YOGA OF SIDDHA BOGANATHAR VOLUME 1 by T.N. Ganapathy, Ph.D. Itself, personified in the form of Ganesha, who taught her Kundalini-Yoga.

In our present scientific age, the study of his works is especially rewarding. For the past 500 years, our western civilization has suffered from a schism between the rational, scientific view of life, and the spiritual or religious view. This divide, created in the politically charged period of the Reformation still haunts us. So, it is instructive to see in both the life of Boganathar, recorded in volume 1, and the writings on Yoga, in volume 2, how one great man married the two views.


Ganapathy has rendered a great service to all lovers of spirituality and science in the present work. For the first time ever, the writings of Boganathar, the greatest scientist of the Siddha tradition, have been translated into English, and a useful commentary on these profound and difficult texts has been rendered.

The present volume contains poems which all lovers of Kundalini Yoga and Tantra will find inspiring. Yoga is the steadiness of the mind, with the annihilation of the mental states, into a particular type of graduated state leading to self-realization. The earliest exponent of this system called Rajayoga, the highest of all yoga's as distinguished from Hathayoga and Mantrayoga was Patanjali who wrote Aphorisms on Yoga in 150 B.C. The present treatise relates to the system of Rajayoga as enunciated by Patanjali and explained by his commentators Vyasa, Vacaspati, Vijnanabhiksu and others. It deals with the foundation of the yoga practices their philosophical, psychological, cosmological, ethical and religious doctrines. It compares the essential features of the yoga system with other systems of philosophical thought and establishes, in particular, its affinity to the system of Samkhya. The work consists of fifteen chapters divided into two parts bound in one volume.