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So we're here to help. Feel free to volunteer great resources you find on the net regarding writing music, the Ableton DAW, or tutorials and the like. Rules: • Try to post about Ableton stuff. Try not to post about non-Ableton stuff. • Participate in good faith and avoid being mean, condescending, or outright insulting other users. Advocating, asking for, or giving advice on how to pirate is prophibited.
Linkin to piracy-centric subs also prohibited. • Blatant self promotion and/or requests for feedback on your tracks are not permitted submissions. Feedback requests are encouraged in the relevant weekly threads. • Answer questions about your content if you post your own content. If you are not willing to field questions then your post will be removed at mod's discretion. • If you are posting a link,. TL;DR -, take them to.
• Be clear in your titles. Ableton Help: 's - Updated for 2018, and not just for people learning. Click here before asking for something. IRC FREENODE #ABLETON Contest Winners: Date/Contest Name Vote Winner Track Mod's choice Winner Track N/A N/A Don't forget to check out our sister sites!