Download Synergy Video Express

Synergy Express™ Modular ECM SaaS Solution Synergy Express is a modular software-as-a-service (SaaS) content management solution that incorporates key functionality of the Synergy Enterprise Content Management (ECM) platform to provide banks with document and report imaging capabilities. This SaaS solution enables banks to retain complete control of their internal capture software while Jack Henry Banking handles the vast majority of hardware requirements. How to uninstall arcgis 10 license manager. This fully managed solution eliminates the significant capital expenditures required for in-house system installations as well as ongoing operating and maintenance costs. Synergy Express streamlines the entire content management process, provides state-of-the-art security, helps ensure compliance with related regulatory requirements, and provides ongoing access to Jack Henry Banking’s imaging, technology, and security experts. Jack Henry Banking performs all back-office activities such as daily back-ups, ongoing software and hardware upgrades, and incorporates new imaging and storage technologies when they are proven, appropriate, and practical. This solution is available to banks automated by the SilverLake System®, CIF 20/20®, and Core Director platforms. Load


Each computer wanting to use Synergy will need Silverlight 5.0 or higherto. Download Synergy's Video Express software onto your computer by going to.