American Ironhorse Service Manual Download
Service Manual For 07 American Ironhorse Document Service Manual For 07 American Ironhorse is available in various formats such as PDF, DOC and ePUB which you can directly download and save in in to you PC, Tablet.
• This manual provides operating, safety, and maintenance information on the AMERICAN IRONHORSE Classic SX, Outlaw SY, Slammer SZ, Texas Choppers TX, Tejas SJ, Ranger SG, Legend SC, and Thunder SW. Following the recommended inspection and maintenance procedures will ensure that your AMERICAN IRONHORSE is in optimum condition for your comfort, pleasure, and safety. • A M E R I C A N I R O N H O R S E V E H I C L E I N F O R M AT I O N Model__________________________________________ Dealer Name____________________________________ V.I.N. __________________________________________ Number ________________________________________ Motor Serial No._________________________________ Address ________________________________________ Trans. • POSSIBLY LEAD TO DAMAGE TO THE MOTORCYCLE. CAUTION: Italic print indicates other important matters.
This manual covers all models of AMERICAN IRONHORSE motorcycles with standard and optional equipment. Consult your local AMERICAN IRONHORSE dealer for any questions you may have. • TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S Section No.
Dizajneri interijera u splitu. AMERICAN IRONHORSE Vehicle Information.2 2-10 Headlight Switch & High Beam Activation.32 Safety.6 2-11 Horn Switch.32 Vehicle Specifications.9 2-12 Kick Stand.33 a) Mechanical.9. • Figure 12.93 4-19 Motorcycle Lubrication.65 Figure 13.94 Mechanical Specifications Figure 14.95 Figure 15.96 AMERICAN IRONHORSE Consumable Table.66 Figure 16.97 Torque Specifications.68 Figure 17.98 Important Notices Figure 18.99 Reporting of Safety Defects.70 Maintenance Records.99. • • Be aware of the fact that as a responsible rider, you must always know the condition of your vehicle, especially the condition of those systems that directly correlate to bike safety.
• Read this manual in its entirety before riding your AMERICAN IRONHORSE. Follow all of the recommendations, danger, warnings and caution information.
Windows Media Player 11 running in mini mode (in Windows XP MCE) showing a visualization While playing music, Windows Media Player can show visualizations. The current three visualizations are Alchemy, which was first introduced in version 9, Bars and Waves, which has been used since version 7, and Battery, introduced in version 8. Windows 10 media player visualizations. Windows media player comes with lots of exciting features and one such feature is the visualization which makes sure that the user is prompted to choose the environment within the player window to make sure that the song is heard with full spirit and zeal.
• S A F E T Y • REMEMBER THAT THE INCIDENCE OF HAVING A MOTORCYCLE MISHAP GENERALLY INCREASES WITH VEHICLE SPEED. • Before starting your engine and setting off on a ride, always visually and manually check the condition of your vehicle to ensure proper operation, especially the condition of tires, brakes, throttle, clutch, vehicle indicator lights, headlamp, signal and brake lamps and turning radius freedom. • CREATE AN UNSTABLE CONDITION THAT COULD LEAD TO PERSONAL INJURY. NEVER ADD A SIDECAR TO YOUR AMERICAN IRONHORSE VEHICLE. IT IS NOT DESIGNED OR CONSTRUCTED FOR SUCH USE. • The vehicle’s exhaust system becomes very hot from normal operation. Always wear appropriate clothing to prevent direct skin contact with exhaust pipes and mufflers.
• A M E R I C A N I R O N H O R S E V E H I C L E S P E C I F I C AT I O N S A. Dimensions: (inches) Texas Slammer Thunder Outlaw Legend.
• A M E R I C A N I R O N H O R S E V E H I C L E S P E C I F I C AT I O N S C. Fluid Capacities: Fuel Tank Capacity 5 gallons (Texas Choppers 3.8 gallons) Transmission.
• A M E R I C A N I R O N H O R S E V E H I C L E S P E C I F I C AT I O N S F. Drive Train Specifications: Number of Teeth Engine Clutch.
• A M E R I C A N I R O N H O R S E V E H I C L E S P E C I F I C AT I O N S I. Brake Specifications: Rotor Diameter Calipers # Pistons. • A M E R I C A N I R O N H O R S E V E H I C L E S P E C I F I C AT I O N S J. Fueling & Fuel Specifications: Always use a high quality, high octane unleaded fuel.
• E N G I N E B R E A K - I N P E R I O D The Critical First 500 Miles Your AMERICAN IRONHORSE motorcycle has been operated on a ride-out dyno by a trained AMERICAN IRONHORSE mechanic prior to shipment. Besides initiating the critical engine “break-in” period, a check of proper in-use systems operations has been conducted and any noted deficiencies corrected. • I G N I T I O N S W I T C H A key to prevent unauthorized use controls access to the ignition switch. Always lock the ignition switch and remove the ignition switch key when vehicle is not in use. The ignition switch is wired to activate the headlight.